Mrs. Valerie Toy 蔡太
Mr. Louis Chan 陳繼丞先生
Every Wednesday 7:30 pm, Chinese Bible Study, on line WebEx. 每週三晚上七時半, 中文聖經研討會 (粵語),
Hosts: Mrs. Veronica Wong 黃太, Mr. Nelson Lao 勞乃遜先生.
Both received Master’s Degrees in Theology from the University of San Francisco. 兩位皆有舊金山大學神學碩士學位.
Four times a year, Bible Study Group in-person gatherings. 一年四次, 研討會在聖名教堂舉行實體
Annual charity project. In 2022, a charity art sale to benefit the St. Anthony Foundation. 每年一度慈善公益項目, 例如在
Every Saturday morning 10:00 am - 11:15 am, religious life sharing and Bible Study. 每週六早上 10:00 am - 11:15 am. 聖名堂中文團體宗教生活分享和硏經班. 有興趣請與蔡太 Valerie 報名